Contact Linda

Insurance and personalized financial planning. Expert advice with superior solutions!


Linda Yao

Sales Manager

As a former IT professional for over 30 years, I have been exactly where you are. I know you are busy keeping abreast with the fast-changing technology and going above and beyond to meet tight project deadlines. As a result, you are exhausted at the end of the day, you are not spending the amount of time with your family that you like, and you definitely don’t have the time to learn the ins and outs of tax planning and getting yourself retire-ready.

My clients come to me when they are
❌Having money sitting in their bank account earning very little interest
❌Don’t know when they can retire or how much money they need to retire
❌Don’t know where best to invest their money
❌Don’t know if they should pay off their debt or use that money to invest

I created 5-simple steps to pay less tax for you here:
✔️Eliminate credit card or high-interest debt
✔️Buy Permanent Life insurance
✔️Do your RRSP and spousal RRSP Contribution
✔️Maxout your TFSA Contribution
✔️Own a side business that generates a passive income

Within a few months to a year of deploying my financial strategy, you will be relieved that you are:
✔️Reducing debt and increasing the amount of money in your savings account
✔️Following a plan to become retire-ready and have a worry-free retirement
✔️Sleep better at night knowing your investments are secured
✔️Able to create generational wealth for your family and/or your community

I was an IT Developer and Project Manager for over 30 years. I travelled and worked around the clock for Fortune 500 Companies. My personal finance was in a bit of a mess until someone helped me by providing me with some useful and critical information. Today, I am able to be retire-ready and retire worry-free. I will share with you the secrets that were deployed.


(416) 418-5264


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